4These ovens have been studied for satisfying the post-curing treatment techniques, for rubber materials such as NBR, silicone, Viton etc.. Which require precise temperatures, excellent homogeneity and air exchange

  • For Lab Italia ovens are made of a stainless s teel chamber, of a reinforced stainless steel electric resistances group, of a ventilation fan and an elec tric board completed by an electronic programmer able to store the desidered wor king cycles.

The door gas kets ar e made of high temperature silicone, which guarantee a perfect airtight.

  • Standard sizes: 1000, 2000 and 3000 litres capacity and special arrangements on demand.
  • Adjustable device for air change.
  • Predisposition for fire extinguisher.
industrial rubber vulcanization oven industrial rotanting oven
Rubber_vulcanization Rubber Vulcanization